Gekitai rules

Gekitai is played on an initially empty 6×6 board. Each player has 8 offboard , which they take turn to onto the board on any empty square.

A newly dropped unit will push adjacent units, unless there is another unit in the way behind it. Units pushed off the board are removed.

So if Player 1 were to at b2 in this board state...

A B C D E F 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

...then this would be the result:

A B C D E F 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

Both a1 and a2 were pushed off board, and b3 was pushed to b4. c2 stays put since d2 blocks the push.

After a drop we check for the following in order:

  1. If you have 3 in a row you win by winline
  2. If you have deployed all 8 you win by allout
  3. If your opponent has 3 in a row (including diagonals) you lose by suicide.

Draws are not possible.