Razzle Dazzle rules

Razzle Dazzle is played on a 8×7 board with the following setup:

A B C D E F G H 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 A B C D E F G H

Players take turn to either...

  • a unit like a chess knight
  • the ball in an uninterrupted orthogonal or diagonal line to another friendly unit. You may keep passing as long as you want and have valid receivers.

There are three unit types, dictating what is possible:

  • A is currently carrying the ball. It cannot but it may the ball to a friendly
  • A can both and receive a from
  • A is what a becomes after doing a . It cannot receive passes but may , after which it becomes a and can receive passes again.
In other words, when a makes a to a ...
  • the becomes a
  • the becomes a

There is a special "tournament" rule that we have also implemented: if you adjacent (including diagonals) to the enemy , then in the next turn they must if able.

Note that it is only the that your opponent just moved that can force your to .

Win by getting your ball into the opponent base!

Since the ball-carrying is immobile, this means you have to first until you have a in the opponent base, and then make a do a to that !